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About 30’s

A Reddit comment of mine about life in your 30’s. I just turned 42 and this resonates with me. People would hit 30 and they’d cut me off or ghost me because I wasn’t vocationally successful. This happened for around ten years (as the first person was...

logarithmic scales in life

Walk inside on a sunny day and you generally can see indoors without too much fuss (unless there is something wrong with your eyes).  This is because your pupils dilate.  The scale of light is actually logarithmic.  There is orders of magnitude more light outside than...

Autism in Love film and status

I highly recommend a PBS Independent Lens documentary called Autism in Love (you can watch it online).  It follows a few people on the spectrum who (like pretty much all of us) are looking for love.  Some of them are in relationships, others are not.  Even for the...

no happy medium for work

Article on the wellness culture and overwork: We’re working longer hours than ever before, and as our employment conditions continue to worsen, they’re simply repackaged into a new version of normal in an effort to make the truly pathological state of many of our...

charity case – circling thoughts

I was called a charity case today by the most successful member of my family.  In jest.  But unfortunately there was a lot of truth in said jest. I find it painfully ironic that the people who could most easily hook you up with a job are the ones who are the most...