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I think life should be opt-in instead of opt-out.  At the end of every year one should be allowed to decide whether one’s existence continues.  And if one doesn’t they should be allowed to give their credit to someone who does.  For example someone who...

gramblings on “aid in dying”

“Aid in dying” is often dressed up in compassionate cloths when it’s really just a way for the state and private insurers to save on end-of-life care (which comprises a large chunk of healthcare spending).  The state would never leave people the...

The Daily Mail reports that in 2012, 14 people with “severe psychiatric problems” were killed by lethal injection, a figure that rose to 42 in 2013. This is wonderful news.  Terminal mental health problems are gaining parity with terminal physical...


My cat died more than a week ago and the only thing I feel is numb.  I even listened to Duruflé’s Requiem and felt hardly anything and that usually brings out a certain amount of catharsis. I also sometimes think I see Frisky out of the corner of my eye.  But...

put down

My cat is set to be put down today at three in the afternoon. It is strange to me that humans can’t just go somewhere to be put down if they can’t find a job.  We see the unemployed being put down against their will in the T4 program Hitler started.  But...