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hope is social

Mar 22, 2017 | Matters of the Heart | 0 comments

One of the things that will offend your therapist is the idea that hope is social.  The proof for this is how people draw away from those without hope (that’s been the story of almost all my interactions as I have fallen lower and lower in society).  The thing the modern psychology hates about hope being social is it posits that the more hyper individualistic a society is, the less hope there is in it (particularly for those at the bottom).  This remains true controlling for other things that make people happy such as wealth.  The second problem with hope being social is it asks something of us, to take a hit on our personal happiness in the name of collective happiness of the community.  That’s not something modern psychology is keen on.

We can view this by contrasting the help people need verses the help modern psychology offers.  Not to knock modern psychology, people really benefit from it, but its help becomes so limited in furnishing a hopeful future.

“hope is social” help modern psychology’s help
a ride to the store pills
a hot, home cooked meal training on playing cognitive tricks
community forced autonomy
a friend itinerant counsel
several hours of company company until the 45 minutes is up
imperative to love and be loved by others imperative to love yourself
ability to think for oneself ability to think one is thinking for themself
a path to virtue navel gazing self interest
solidarity independence / atomization
feel loved get “healthy”
expression of our shared sorrow expression of our personal depression
someone visiting you in the hospital hospitalization for unclear thinking
reasons to live suicide prevention


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